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历史 of 架构的B.A.

Develop a rich understanding of how humanity has interacted with the environment by transforming the landscape and constructing cities and 建筑 under different sociopolitical circumstances.
Exterior of a modern building with an image projected on it in the evening.
There's no shortage of impressive architecture in the City of Syracuse. For example, the Everson Museum, designed by globally acclaimed architect I.M.裴, is showcased here as a projection space for the Urban Video Project in partnership with Light Works.


  • Dive into a vibrant array of interdisciplinary courses spanning Western Europe, 南亚和东亚以及伊斯兰世界.
  • 学习 from a diverse and distinguished faculty from both the 文理学院’ Department of Art and 音乐 Histories and the School of 体系结构.
  • Elevate your academic experience and employability with the unique opportunity of pairing your history of architecture major with a minor in architecture at the prestigious School of 体系结构 on Syracuse’s campus.
  • Go global with your 教育 and immerse yourself in unique cultures and built environments with a transformative semester in either London, 英格兰, 或佛罗伦萨, 意大利, seamlessly continuing your major studies at a 澳门线上赌场 Abroad center.
  • Sharpen your visual acuity in an increasingly image-driven world with courses designed to hone your close and critical looking skills.
  • Equip yourself with in-demand skills: advanced analytical, 创造性的调查, 批判性思维, and effective communication abilities—essential for thriving in the professional world and excelling in graduate studies.
  • 学生有机会加入 音乐 & 文化生活学习社区.












文理学院(A&是雪城大学的第一个也是最大的学院. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 教育 with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


Take two required introductory courses on the history of architecture, followed by eight courses of your choice with a narrower focus within the field. Those courses are offered both on Syracuse’s main campus and at Syracuse Abroad centers, 主要在伦敦和佛罗伦萨.

  • 识别架构师, 建筑理论家, 建筑, 城市及景观设计, 风格, typologies and technologies developed in the built environment, 来自不同的地理区域, 时期和传统.
  • Analyze the built environment and its representations through close observation using appropriate architectural vocabulary, conceptual frames and methodologies specific to the history of architecture.
  • Explain the relationships between the built environment and the religious beliefs, 政治意识形态, 社会结构, and economic and technological development of the societies that created them.
  • Carry out research to identify reliable scholarly 文学 and visual and written documentation in archives, 图书馆和数据库.
  • Develop new interpretations about the built environment supported by persuasive arguments, 确凿的证据和综合的信息.
  • Communicate complex and nuanced ideas about the built environment in writing, 讨论及公开演讲, 借助图像和当前技术.

  • 印度的艺术和建筑
  • 革命的建筑
  • Art, 体系结构 and the Supernatural in 11th-12th Century Europe
  • 美国建筑,1860年到第一次世界大战
  • 佛教建筑史概论




The SOURCE program provides funding and support for undergraduate participation in faculty-guided scholarly research and 创造性的调查. Student participants progress through initial training in research or other creative skills, to designing and revising the structure of their projects, 最后是研究, creative and professional contributions that are original and timely.



The 特藏研究中心 in Bird Library invites you to explore its extensive collection of rare books, 手稿, historic photographs and other primary source materials, many of which are related to the history of architecture.



Students are encouraged to do professional internships in the field with the supervision of a faculty member.



The 雪城大学美术馆 has an extensive collection of prints, watercolors and drawings related to the history and reception of architecture. It is a teaching museum and a museum-laboratory for exploration, 实验与讨论, 促进原创性研究和创造性思维.

雪城大学艺术博物馆的图片. A large metal art installation stands in front of the museum.


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